LMIWBEM |version| ================= *LMIWBEM is a Python library that performs CIM operations using CIM-XML protocol. The library tries to mimic PyWBEM, but does things in different way:* - TOG-Pegasus client's library is used for communication - lazy evaluation of CIM objects is used - some minor API was added for performance reasons **Benefits of the library:** - **Performance** – Using *TOG-Pegasus* client's library, *Boost::Python* and C++ STL, CIM operations are executed faster (e.g. ~60% faster Instance enumeration compared to PyWBEM). **NOTE:** performance gain depends on CIM operation; there are CIM operations where the percentage is even higher. - **Memory** – Using PyWBEM, the Python's interpreter can eat up several GB of memory. In LMIWBEM, C++ allocator for CIM objects is used and unnecessary memory blocks are properly freed and returned to OS. *Lazy evaluation* (construction) of nested objects helps to perform CIM operations faster and Python does not use additional space for such objects unless it's necessary. **Content:** .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 usage api examples Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`